10 PARTICIPANTS Online Incident Investigations Training BC
Online Incident Investigations Training BC
All employers in BC are required to conduct an investigation into the cause of any accident or other incident that resulted in injury to a worker that required medical aid, resulted in the death of a worker, an incident which had a major potential for causing serious injury to a worker, and involved a major structural failure. The purpose of an accident/incident investigation is to ensure the incident does not happen again. Our online incident investigations course will cover all information on how to effectively investigate an accident/incident starting at the accident scene. Certificate of completion is valid for 2 years. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants are able to repeat the course three times in efforts to achieve the pass mark.
Responding to an Incident
Incident Investigation Steps
Collecting Facts
Sequence of Events
​Determining Underlying Causes
Reporting of Incidents to WorkSafeBC
Preliminary Investigation Report
Interim Corrective Action Report
Full Investigation Report
Full Corrective Action Report
WorkSafeBC Applicable Regulations Review
Responsibilities: Employer, Employee and Supervisors
Incident and Accident Definitions
Purpose of Conducting Incident Investigations
Who Should Conduct the Incident Investigations
When Should an Incident Investigation be conducted
Critical Incidents
Conducting Interviews & Interview Techniques
Dealing with Emotions
Debriefing Situations
Critiquing Situations
Follow Up and Report Writing
How to Write and Investigation Report
To place your order click on the ORDER NOW button and ensure you select the correct quantity of participants. Once you have successfully made your purchase - all study material and exams will be automatically forwarded to your provided email address. Download the study material and forward the study material to the other students (if required). ​Complete the final exam and forward all the exam(s) pages to the email provided to you - by PDF scan document or by taking pictures of each exam page (information will be provided on the final exam copies). The exam is mostly multiple choice but does have some written component sections. Your exam(s) will then be marked by one of our consultants and your signed certificate of completion will be forwarded to you by email within 1 to 2 business days. We will match the incoming number of exams to your order total. Certificate of completion is valid for 2 years. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants are able to repeat the course three times in efforts to achieve the pass mark (no one fails the course).