Small Employer Health and Safety Program Manual Template New Brunswick
Greystone Safety Services has developed Health and Safety Program Templates which businesses can purchase directly from our website and customize to meet with their individual site requirements. UPON PURCHASE YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR SAFETY MANUAL TEMPLATE FOR NEW BRUNSWICK IN MS WORD FORMAT. You can customize and use this safety program template for any of your upcoming projects. Our health and safety manual templates meet and exceed all Alberta regulation, guidelines and code requirements.
A health and safety program is required under the New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act (WorkSafe New Brunswick) for provincially-regulated employers in New Brunswick with 20 or more employees: "regularly employed. 8.1(1) Every employer with 20 or more employees regularly employed in the Province shall establish a written health and safety program, in consultation with the committee or the health and safety representative".
The program requirement is tied to employers in New Brunswick, not workplaces. Therefore, employers must take into account all of their operations in the province of New Brunswick. If, for example, an employer has an operation in one location with 15 regularly employed employees and another five regularly employed employees in another location, the employer will be required to comply with the provisions of subsection 8(1) to establish a safety policy and 8.1(1) for a program. View New Brunswick OHS Safety Regulations HERE. Contractors and sub-contractors must have a program if they have 20 or more employees directly employed. Sub-contractors and their employees working for the contractors would not be counted in the number.
Program Contents
OHS & Environmental Policy Statement
Rights and Responsibilities Policy
Workplace Inspections Policy
Accident Incident Investigations Policy
Employee Communications Policy
First Aid Policy and Procedures
Bullying and Harassment Policy
Workplace Violence Policy
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy
Drug and Alcohol Policy (includes Cannabis)
No Smoking Policy (includes e-cigarettes)
Disciplinary Action Policy
WHMIS 2015 (GHS) Policy
Working Alone Policy and Procedures
Annual Program Evaluation Policy
Formal Training Record Form
Crew Tool Box Talk Form
First Aid Record Form
Incident Investigations Form
Incident Report Form
Additional Information
Safety Manual & Forms Total Pages: 70
Document Word Count: 15,000
Font Type: Calibri
Font Size: 11
Includes MS Word doc. / docx. Copy
Includes Automatic Adjustable Table of Contents
Includes Customization Instructions